Connect with Us

Get involved and stay informed on MUPA projects and events.

To speak with a MUPA Executive Committee member, make an appointment and meet us at the MUPA office to chat, catch up on the latest news or seek assistance. Use the Padlet (yellow box below) to ask any questions, share any answers or insights and connect with the MUPA family. 

We are happy to help in any way we can.  

Be part of MUPA Committee

Run for a specific portfolio during the annual election.

Or, here are two other ways you can get involved throughout the year:

    • Volunteer to help out in our events as event-based subcommittee members
    • Serve as postgraduate representatives at committee meetings

Connect with us!

Join our Facebook group and follow us on Instagram to join the MUPA community and stay informed of upcoming events that may be of interest to you!