[Extended Deadline: 9 Oct] Only for the Appreciation Award for Non-Teaching Staff

Thank you to all who had submitted your nominations.

We want to show more of your heartfelt appreciation to the non-teaching staff who has made a positive difference in your learning journey. This includes our librarians, research managers or school management/head of school who has contributed to your success. So, we are extending the deadline for the Appreciation Award for Non-Teaching Staff to Wed, 9 Oct 2024, 6pm (MYT). Nominate now via this link.

All submissions will be evaluated by a panel of judges selected by the MUPA committee. See more details here: https://mupa.monash.edu.my/nominations-applications-open-appreciation-award-mupa-outstanding-postgraduate-award-2024/

For any enquiries, please email to mupa.vicepres@monash.edu