MUPA Lounge

Located at Room 6-4-52 (Building 6, Level 4), the MUPA Lounge is open to all postgraduate students. It is an ambient space to chill, play boardgames or hangout with a small group of friends.

Application for booking the facilities is to be made online using this link, with all required details.

The person making the application, whether it is for personal use or on behalf of another person, shall be deemed ‘the Hirer’ and shall be fully responsible and liable for the application and any breach of the terms and conditions given below.

The Hirer must at all times act in good faith and comply with any and all applicable laws (including but not limited to the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 and Private Higher Educational Institutions Act 1996), rules, regulations, requirements and directives of the University, and otherwise.

If the Hirer has breached any of these Terms and Conditions, the Committee has absolute discretion to immediately terminate or cancel the booking of the facilities at any time and all other ongoing or future bookings of the Hirer (if any).

In addition, the Hirer shall also be liable for any damages to the facilities.

The Hirer shall be responsible for and shall pay to MUPA the cost of any damage (beyond fair wear and tear) to the MUPA, its property, fittings, furniture, instruments and equipment, whether mechanical or electrical, resulting from the hiring of the facilities. 

The Hirer is also responsible for reporting to the Committee, through the  email, any damage arising from wear and tear of the premises, any breakdown or maintenance requirements arising or spotted before, during or after the event/activity.

In the case of need for cancellation, please advise MUPA welfare via two working days prior to the booked date. Failure to inform cancellation for three times will result in banning the use of the booking system for lounge facilities for a duration of three months as you are depriving other students from using the facility.

The committee reserves the right to refuse any bookings if there are records that terms and conditions were breached on a previous booking by the same Hirer. 

Should an urgent need arise, the Committee may revoke a booking to accommodate a campus/ MUPA need. This will be notified to the Hirer as soon as possible.

DVD Player

The maximum number of hours this equipment may be used is 3 hours.

Users of the DVD player are warned that no X-rated movies may be screened using this MUPA facility. Such conduct may result in forfeiting your privilege to make future bookings to use MUPA facilities.

Any student who has booked the equipment reserves the right to show the booking confirmation document and request for any students already using the equipment to hand it over to him/her. 

The lounge facility is monitored by CCTV and lounge equipment should not be taken out of the lounge.


Students will be able to make bookings within minimum of 2 days before the required date and the maximum of one week.

The maximum number of hours the Hirer can use this equipment is one hour. Any student who has booked the equipment reserves the right to show the booking confirmation document and request for any students already using the equipment to hand it over to him/her. 

Acceptance of the booking after 5pm is subject to the availability of MUPA Executive Committee members at the requested hours.

Once the booking has been approved by MUPA, the student will be emailed the code to the safe box containing the games and controllers. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure all equipment is safely returned to the safe upon usage. Students are strictly prohibited from sharing this code as any equipment loss or damage will be the student’s responsibility. 

The lounge facility is monitored by CCTV and lounge equipment should not be taken out of the lounge.

Nintendo Switch

Did you know there is a Nintendo Switch in the PG lounge and you can book it in advance?

Booking must be done at least 7 days prior to the booking date.

Booking MUPA Lounge

For events, the booking shall be made at least 20 calendar days prior to the date of the event by sending an email to Proof of booking confirmation should be held at all times. 


The Hirer is held responsible to rearrange the lounge in the standard layout as  shown below after the event is over.